It had been two months since Dark Divide found out that CIEIR Music stolen their song. S.T. and Light Harmony are lazying about for the day.
Light: I can't believe Summer is almost over.
Harmony: I know right? We just started getting people to come out more on the beaches and water parks and it felt like it went over in a flash.
S.T.: Personally I'm kinda glad it's ending. Don't get me wrong, I love going swimming, getting some sun and through a certain story I've made, teaching people how to vacation safe, I feel as though it's too hot and muggy this year. Not to mention I got stung earlier. 31 years and I never been stung by a bee or wasp and this fucker gets me right in the hand an on the vein.
Harmony: Ya, compared to the criminals we fight, stings suck.
S.T.: The Proximity alarm. It says a small rocket or missile is heading this way.
Harmony: Where could it be going?

The explosion was enough to knock the trio down. Alarms blare all over as they get up and look around.
S.T.: Damage Report!!!!
Light: Main H.Q. is intact. The basement is fine too.
Harmony: What about the religious centre.
Light: The entire roof section is missing, some wounded, but none dead luckily. Whatever it was hit it from the outside.
Harmony: Probably an RPG. Guys, this was a deliberate attack. Someone aimed at this otherwise we'd be hurt worse.
Light: Who the fuck would blow up the religious centre?
Harmony: I don't know, what do you think S.T.? S.T.? Where did he go?
Light: Something tells me he knows who did this.
Meanwhile outside.
Dark Divide approaches them with smug smiles across their faces. Dark patting his RPG launcher with pride.
Dark: I always hated that place. Religions should be at each other's throats, not coming together in peace. I guess that's what happens when you commit plagiarism.
S.T.: So the laws only apply to you? You can kill as many people as you like, but when someone steals something from you, that's where you draw the line. You fucking hypocrite.
Divide: Look who's talking, you refuse me, yet shack up with your newest recruit. My face still stings from that night.
S.T.: I'm through convincing you Divide, I'm gonna take you out once and for all.
Light Harmony step out. All with murder on their mind.
Light Harmony: We all are.
Divide: Three on two, that's not fair. I guess I should have remembered to bring more minions. Oh that's right I have.
50 black cloaked men and women come storming in. Standing behind dark Divide.
S.T.: You think 52 are fair odds ok. Role call.
Light: I'll take the thugs, some of our guys may still be there so I'd be safe enough to extract them.
S.T.: I'll take Dark. I will make him pay personally for what he did.
Harmony: That bitch is mine.
CIEIR Music: See the future through music!! Feel the future through music!! CHARGE!!!!
Both sides run at each other until they collide. Light using quick reflexes and hard precision hits managed to knock down 10 on the first hit, while taking on the other 40. Harmony and Divide are grappling with one and other.
Divide: I'm not gonna let you get my face again. I have to look my best for the future father of my child.
Harmony: That's not gonna happen, besides if there's anything I know about prophecies it's one thing.
Harmony kicks Divide in the knee stunning her allowing her to grab Divide by the hair. She winds up.
Harmony: Good *Punch* triumphs *Kick* over *Gut punch* EVIL!!! *Headbutt.*
Divide falls to the ground but drags Harmony with her.
Dark and S.T. go at each other. Knocking him down and pummelling.
Dark: When are you going to understand the world is better off the way it is. People have to destroy themselves. Life means to end.
S.T. Kicks him in the balls staggering him.
S.T.: Life isn't about ending. Life is about choosing what to make of it!!!
They both grip each other, staring each other dead in the eyes.
Divide in a moment of sneakiness jabs a small knife in Harmony's side.
Divide: I've been going about this all wrong. I should have thought of this ages ago.
Divide pulls out a gun. First pointing it at Harmony.
Divide: If I can't have him. No one can.
She turns around and shoots S.T. in the chest knocking him off Dark. S.T. lays there motionless. Harmony moves to him. Trying to rouse him, but all he does is groan. She turns around, her slit eyes going thin as fire surrounds them.
Harmony: You killed him. YOU KILLED SHANE!!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!!
Divide's smug smile fades as the fox like Harmony runs towards her on all fours. This was not the nice, but brutal Harmony CIEIR Music knew and cared for. This was the unbridled rage of a street urchin that has been pushed one too many times. She tackles Divide with a sadistic grin on her face. Using individual claws on her fingernails to make small but painful cuts on Divide. Her face. Her chest. Her stomach. No matter what Divide hit her with, it didn't stop her.
Dark approaches the helpless Divide trying everything he can to pry Harmony off her. Just when he thinks he's gotten her loose a pain hits his back and chest. He looks down to see that S.T.'s sword is embedded into his spine and poking out of his chest. S.T. Standing there clutching his shoulder.
S.T.: I broke your partner's heart. She missed mine.
He lets the sword go causing Dark to collapse.
Dark: I can't feel my legs. I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS!!!!!
S.T.: That's the least of your proble- OH SHIT HARMONY!!
Harmony: Now that I'm done toying with you, I'm gonna do to you what I did to your General.
S.T.: Harmony stop!!!!
Harmony: S.T.? But you're dead.
S.T.: She only got me on the shoulder. She's about as good a shot as she is a lover.
Divide: *spitting blood.* FUCK YOU!!
S.T.: You wish, psycho bitch. I'm only letting you live because it's what you deserve.
Harmony and Divide: What!?
Harmony: After everything she's done, she deserves to die. Why can't we just kill them?
S.T.: It will be too easy. Too fast. They're strong. They are gonna live a long time. In a cage. Knowing they'll never corrupt us. Never corrupt our world. Never terrorize innocents. Only this time, with the crimes they committed, it will be for life. Bang your head against the walls. Count the Months, The Weeks, The Hours. UNTIL THE DAY YOU ROT!!!!
Harmony: That sounds like a better idea. Plus with their wounds, who knows how long they'll recover? Still one more before the cops arrive.
Harmony then gives one good solid punch. Knocking Divide out cold.
Police, Ambulances and Firetrucks make their way to the HQ. The cops arrest all of Dark Divide. Taking them away. The chief approaches the weary warriors.
S.T.: You here to arrest us too?
Chief: That won't be necessary. I was gonna arrive personally to inform you, but after what happened to your roof, I figured you all could use a hand. Still today is a good of day as any. Shane, Light, Harmony, by order of the mayor and in cooperation of municipal, provincial and federal law enforcement, you are here by deputized. This is a black ops, so anything goes, however should you all be caught or killed, we will erase all knowledge of your information. Also in light of this recent attack, you are to receive a government grant for all the damages caused by these two high profiled terrorists.
Light: You mean to tell me that we are free to no longer fight in the shadows?
Harmony: We're able to make our cause public?
Chief: That's correct. BUT!!!! There is just one more thing you have to do as a personal favour to me.
S.T.: Oh ya!? What's that!?
Chief: Can I have your autograph? I am a huge fan of your music.
All three sigh and whip out their pens.
After a gruelling few weeks of court, Dark Divide has been sentenced to life in prison. Their minions, save for the undercover operatives have been given a reduced sentence in exchange for their testimony. Still even with everything resolved. S.T., Light and Harmony are depressed.
Although they had money for the materials, due to the secrecy of their work, they themselves start rebuilding the HQ. With the three of them even with equipment they have would take about a few days at best or a month at worst. Weather not withstanding.
Harmony: What's wrong S.T.? Didn't things work out fine?
S.T.: Things are fine, just that well.....we stopped a great evil, fulfilled a huge part of the prophecy, I can't help but wonder where we go from here? Do we just make more music and fight more criminals or do we just retire and live life.
Light: Well right now we just fix the roof and worry about that later.
S.T.: Wait what's that over there?
They look at the steps and see everyone from the religious centre stepping up. Each one with their respective clergy leading the walk. The person leading them all, the young priestess who started this all.
S.T.: I know it's a cliched thing to say around holy ground, but I don't believe it.
Light: Who is she?
Harmony: Indigo Robes. She's part of that order.
Young Priestess: I thank you for playing your parts. In thanks to you, I've convinced the factions here to help you rebuild. They only ask that they bless and renovate their sections how they see fit.
S.T.: Sure we could use every hand we can get.
With the people's help they were able to rebuild CIEIRHQ to it's former glory and in the right time too.
S.T.: Our work appears to be far from over. What do you say?
Light: I say bring 'em on. Compared to DD, they're creampuffs.
Harmony: Well, I must admit I could use a change of pace. That feral stuff took a lot out of me.
And with that, CIEIR Music run down the steps and into the city. Ready to battle what's next.
Author's Note
Been wanting to do this since I made the song. Thought it'd be a good open-ended conclusion, hence why DD aren't dead yet. Hope you like the story so far.
Thanks for reading, if you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp and tip me on Ko-Fi.