Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - December 4th, 2021

Ok normally I post holiday countdown related stuff once every 7 weeks, to show my fellow fans and the world all I have done so far. However. It stands to reason that I should post these here now, because I cannot believe I did this:

For starters in the art department:

In the end of November I finish an old incomplete gif. My own little tribute to Pink Floyd.

I did a two comic story on Santa's war with Krampus. In case no one answered my trivia I'll give the answer here: I did two movie references. When Santa describes Timmy's death, he is referencing From Beyond. Jeffery Combs as Crawford Tillinghast describes his fellow scientist Edward Pretorious' horrifying demise. Specifically stating that the abomination "Bit off his head like a gingerbread man."

The other reference, when Santa leaves a not and a bomb for Krampus, it was a reference to The Mechanic. A movie starring Charles Bronson about an aging hitman training a younger hitman. Spoilers. In the end the younger hitman betrays and poisons the older one and when he goes to steal the guy's house and car he gets a note from the older guy. Pretty much telling him how he fucked up and is gonna die in a few seconds. Before the car explodes. I made the explosion green and red to fit the holiday theme, because let's face it, if Santa Claus was gonna use weapons they'd all be Christmas Themed. Including the explosion. Also CC4 wasn't a typo. It means Candy Cane C4. As in Santa knows how to weaponize Candy Canes.


My first Canvas Drawing. I decided to do my take on the Star of Betlehem and at the same time make an album cover for the following songs.

My take on the conception and birth of Christ.

A ballad from Light Harmony. Though in Hindsight I think I just made my own Christmas Carol.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - December 3rd, 2021

Ok this one is a twofer, because it's been two subjects that have bugged me since day one of my life.

The first question, I will ask. But first context.

Just recently to prepare for the holidays, I started with my favourite past times. Watching Christmas Specials. Yes I know, the politically correct term is Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas and while I'm not Christian, I am not ignorant of other religious holidays either. From Hanukkah to Kwanzaa However let's face it folks. The only specials they show are ones centred around Christmas. Even that crappy Star Wars Holiday Special, which had their own fictional Wookie Holiday called "Life Day." counted as one. Hell I'm Pagan, I'm surprised no one ever did our version of Christmas Special. And they did try to make a Hanukkah themed movie. However that movie was 8 Crazy Nights and we all know how that went and much of why people fear making a decent Hanukkah based movie was that they'd be compared to Adam Sandler. Which is a legit fear. Hehe. But I ramble on.

Anywho, my favourite Christmas Special is the Bill Murray Richard Donner Classic Scrooged. Which is basically a modern retelling of A Christmas Carol. About a TV executive, Ironically doing his own version of a Christmas Carol; being visited by 3 Ghosts. One played by a popular comedic singer. One played by the ever crazy awesome actress Carol Kane. Finally, one that's a giant reaper with a TV for a face and Bill Murray's Zombified face displayed on it. This movie was one of the darkest, yet hilarious versions of the fable, but that aside, two things stuck out for me:

  1. This was one of the few adaptations where the Scrooge character, is reunited with his love interest. In this case Frank Cross, is reunited with Claire. Who is played by Marion Ravenwood herself, Karen Allen. Which I also kind of thought was missing in the original story, but he was an old man in those so aside from spending their last moments together, there wouldn't have been anything good storywise.
  2. While most Scrooges change their ways in an epic fashion. A personal favourite of mine being Jim Carrey's version acting nice in his Carrey way, with his maid freaking out because she thinks he's gone mad. The best thing about Scrooged, is the final speech at the end which can be viewed here: Scrooged Speech.

This speech wasn't just about Frank realizing what Christmas was all about, but he had the steel balls to call out everyone for getting into the Christmas spirit only once a year. For those that don't know what I mean, whether you celebrate the holiday or not. Christmas is often considered the one time of the year, where people are nicer. Spend more time with each other. Help each other and so on. Yet, when the holiday is over, everyone seems to go back to themselves. Now to give this movie credit, Frank isn't telling people go out and spend thousands of dollars to buy each other presents. He's telling people that even simple things like providing an old blanket to someone cold or giving a starving person a sandwich. Simple stuff, cheap to buy, you don't have to do it all the time, nor should it effect your schedule. Part of why Frank took so long to change his ways, was because he couldn't comprehend good deeds for the sake of them. To be honest I kind of agree, but I am interested into hear other viewpoints on this. Both those that celebrate or those that don't and simply know of the Holiday.

Why do you think people only get into the spirit of Christmas and the other Holidays only once a year?

Now for my next question again context:

If there's one thing we as a species have in common, is that we have the drive to succeed in life. Some succeed, some fail, that's life. However one thing I noticed is how difficult things get when times change.

Let's say for example the time period was the 1900s. No one cared what they did in in life so long as there was food on the table and a house to keep you warm. And the simplest way of doing that was simply getting a job. You work, you get paid, you put it to your stuff. However as 100 years go by and some people in those simple jobs, get more successful than others. Get them in a position where they become by that standard, rich. Something always happens. Rather than help others along the way, these type of people go out of their way to make life difficult for the rest of the populace. It gets more difficult to get a job, poverty outweighs even the working class and most successful people work round the clock to replace simple hands on jobs with automation. Without even remotely eliminating or changing the economy in a way that those that get canned are not at least financially compensated or stable enough to live out the rest of their lives. Then just when things can't get any worse, we are plagued with a lot of things that could potentially wipe us all out. From man made weapons to this current pandemic.

It wasn't until recently that I figured it out. The reason why is because they don't want everyone to be as successful as them. Why? Because someone conditioned them to believe the world is one big competition over who gets the most of what. Money, Land, Luxuries, you name it. When they get to a position they feel comfortable with and spot others getting into that same position, they panic. Because they think that person's success is a threat to theirs. So they resort to everything, lobbying new laws that benefit them and knock the rest of us down, turning people against each other using every ism and phobia in the book. Pretty much everything they can to keep us distracted and down. Before this kind of thinking happened, the world was plentiful. It could have provided us everything we needed, no matter how big the population increases. The one catch would be to work together. Which by all intents and purposes, should they have implimented that for monetary value would have made people a lot richer without having to get at everyone's throats.

So my question on that one is. Why the fuck are people so focused on being competitive with each other when the sanest thing would be to work together?


Posted by CIEIRMusic - December 2nd, 2021

Let's start with the Bad News First. I have scrapped both my annual Carol song and The Chakra Album. The latter because I felt like I was knocking off my Tuning Experiment. I may do tuning songs later in the near future though.

The former, is because I decided to come up with a better idea.

Christmas Carols are a dime a dozen. Anyone can come up with their own variation of them and it could be well liked and well hated.

However save for various fictional mediums, there has rarely ever been songs related to the elements of Christmas. Be it Santa Claus, Gift Giving or the Legend of Jesus Christ. So I thought I'd do something different this year by making a short album based on those ideas. Starting with this:

Probably one of my longest songs ever. Enjoy and Happy Holidays.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 30th, 2021

Normally I would save this kind of Celebration for a level at least 10 points above the last level I've done, but this opportunity is too tempting. I am 9 points away from being half of 60. Also 21 reminds me of the game of Black Jack, so I thought I'd celebrate by making a picture out of it as seen here:



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 29th, 2021

Every December I try to make a Christmas Album. I know it's a gimmick, but I loved making my own versions. However aside from one song idea, I'm kinda stumped on what else to do.

So I ask my fans, what would be a good Christmas Carol, that I haven't already done.

You can check out my bandcamp to see that I've done some for two different albums.

Also to expand on it, would it be weird if I came up with my own Christmas/Winter Themed song?

Let me know.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 28th, 2021

Sometimes, the toughest thing for any artist to do, is come up with new things to further keep their patrons interested. Whether it's making a new picture, song, you name it. I often struggle with this the most, but at the same time relish the challenge it gives me.

In this case, I made 2 albums in an effort to offer something new to the table.


An Experiment In Tuning

First of all big shout out to @dj-steve-francis. For inspiring me with this idea. I was curious about the 432hz tuning he puts in his songs so I thought I'd expand beyond it, by making a simple song. Then tuning it to the various frequencies. From the classic 440hz, to the much debated 432hz, to the solfeggio frequencies, based on both amusement and hypothesis. To see if my music can effect people in more than one way. Hopefully it's a success in that department.


Throw it in Reverse

This one was based on a fascination I've had. Regarding playing songs backwards. So I made 3 songs and reversed them to see which is better. Needless to say I am satisfied with the results and I hope you find some enjoyment too.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 26th, 2021

Over the years, I've often noticed a strange pattern when it comes to music. That many often like to experiment with their favourite songs to see how it sounds backwards. We all heard the infamous Stairway To Heaven rumor, where satanic messages allegedly are hidden in the song if played backwards. However this isn't quite what I am talking about. Just recently I made and uploaded two songs as seen here:

With the sole purpose of putting what I am about to talk about into play.

Whether it's Rock and Roll, Electronica or many of the other styles of music, some songs just sound strangely good backwards as they do forwards. Many have caught on to this effect and often even programmed certain instruments in Synths to recreate it. Whether it's the reverse cymbal of a drum or the illusion that whatever instrument playing, be it digital or analog, is breathing in instead of blowing out. There have been many reasons why playing music backwards seems to sound just as good, if not better than playing it forwards.

What do you all think?

Also to any fellow musicians, I suggest you try this out too. Whether it's an existing song in your library or a brand new song to make.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 26th, 2021

While I pride myself in doing things on my own. Even I need a little advice on how to do things. Be it major projects or improving my music style. Some advice I follow, some I don't. That said, in turn I've often found myself as a friendly ear. Someone who can give as much advice as I can get. For this specific newspost, I offer you all a chance to ask me for advice on your projects. Now this isn't concrete, in this case, most of my advice is based on opinion and experience with similar projects to what one asks of me. So you can either listen to it or not. Your decision. However regardless, you are welcome to ask me advice on certain things you feel stumped on, that an extra pair of eyes and ears could help. If you fear others may steal your project if said advice you ask for is answered in public, then my DMs are always open.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 26th, 2021

Just a little rant about current events. Before I get into it let me make things perfectly clear. If you can't take the Covid Vaccine the following reasons:

  • Allergies
  • Fear of Side Effects
  • Religious Reasons.

Then this rant does not apply to you. If however you are actively avoiding the vaccines for the following reasons:

  • You believe in conspiracy theories.
  • You believe vaccines cause autism.

Then this does apply to you. I recently watched the Post Covid Special on South Park. Spoilers at this point, but among most things, South Park went under lock down because one person out of the entire populace has not been fully vaccinated. Now this wouldn't seem like a big deal. If not for the fact that the person they found, not only refuses to be vaccinated, but comes up with a boatload of excuses to not take it. Further putting South Park in lockdown and pissing off the other residents who can't get in or out of town. That person is Clyde Donovan. Whom by puns has pretty much said he refuses to take the vaccine for Selfish Reasons. Or Shellfish as the show went.

This wouldn't have bothered me so much as it allows me to laugh at the stupidity of the situation. If not for the fact that this shit happens. Not just one person, but thousands. Nearly millions if you calculate the world population. Now a small fraction of those that refuse are those that fit with the first list. They fear side effects, they fear allergic reactions and there are just some things they can't take because it's against their religion. These I respect. Especially the Side Effects, because I know from personal experience from the Pfizer what they feel like. However the rest that refuse and to my surprise is a huge number are a bunch of cowardly idiots that believe everything some dumbass like Jenny McCarthy spews out. These people were around before Covid, they'll be around after Covid, but the truth of the matter is I seriously doubt they believe the bullshit they're spewing and think they're all cowardly morons who'd rather watch their kids die than risk their own lives and health for them.

Let me make something perfectly clear to all those who believe this bullshit.

  • Vaccines do not cause autism. This was stemmed from the fact that some vaccines have trace amounts of mercury. Is that a risk of brain damage? Maybe, the bodies vary. However to say that it causes a specific disorder, is complete and utter bullshit. I've taken a lot of crap from people who see me as a disease that needs to be wiped out because of this bullshit. Some think I'm the result of a lab experiment gone wrong the second I mention my disorder. Others, more stupid people think I'm a potential serial killer, just because the Sandy Hook Shooter happened to have autism among other mental disorders. It's even gotten to the point where some jackasses all over the net, use the word Autism or Autistic as a means of insulting someone they don't agree with. "His autism is showing." Being a prime example. What kind of shit is that?
  • No one is tracking us with the Covid Vaccines. I base this more on common sense. Is it possible for people to put nanotechnology in our bodies through syringes? Yes. I believe that. However there are a lot of factors that come into play here: For starters, the people that say this? What exactly are they hiding that makes them so scared of being tracked down? Are they drug dealers? Addicts? Or other forms of criminals that value their privacy? The other factor is, with that aside, if they intended to track us all down, don't you think they would have arrested us for anything even if it was a bogus charge? If you answered yes to both questions. Then No Shit.

It's jokers like these that are the reason why we haven't recovered yet. Why? Because deep down, they're selfish cowardly morons who'd rather watch the world die than accept this one thing that could give us all our lives back. I see it every day. These people enjoy the world as it is, because it means they won't get a needle in their arm. To think, much of the reason why I took those damn shots in the first place was to better shut these assholes up. Instead their voices are louder than ever. You want the world back? You want your lives back? Take the fucking shot already if you haven't. Because you all are holding the rest of us back. We paid our dues, you should too.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 24th, 2021

You're probably wondering why I uploaded so many songs today. Well, these are less like songs and more like experiments. In this case how a song would feel to you if it were tuned differently.

I present to you:


inspired by @dj-steve-francis who seems to tune his music to the 432hz. I decided to do an experiment my making a simple song as seen here:

This is automatically tuned to 440hz, which is considered the standard tuning of all audio projects.

Then just to see if I could do it, I had the song tuned to 432hz. Which is considered the true tuning among most music lovers and spiritualists. As seen here:

Then just for fun and more experimentation I made 7 more. Tuning them to the Solfeggio Frequencies that are known to stimulate the Chakras as seen here:

Just something I did to see if I could. If these songs resonate with you in various ways, more power to you.
