Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 28th, 2022

CIEIR Music of Relaxation

I might make this into an album later on, but I have made a playlist of all my relaxation music including the newest one. Mainly because I feel that if I'm gonna be making this I may as well put them together. Much like a lot of stuff, this happened by total accident and I'm enjoying it while I can, but first let's list off these songs one by one.

First is Relax and Think of Tomorrow. It was one of my first attempts to get out my usual dark mindset, but apparently it was so good that it managed to get featured into the @TheTankTribune Phonograph:


Oh ya, I'm still riding on that.

I even did a word version of it to see if it would improve relaxation.

Which I won't put in the album because I wanted to focus more on the instrumental stuff.

The next one is Just Breathe. The song that started Light Harmony. With this one, I wanted to make one that you can sync your breathing with. Things just snowballed from there.

This one, Floating In Nothingness. At this point I wanted to create an idea of darkness, but in the isolation sense. Nothing, but peace and quite for all around. Nothing to distract the senses. Things like that.

Drifting in Open Water. With this one I wanted to create through music, the idea of just floating peacefully adrift across a never ending body of water.

With Floating On A Cloud Way Up In The Air, I wanted to for the most part see if a shorter relaxation song had just as much of an effect as the longer ones.

Probably the most beautiful song I have ever created so far. I wanted to show the beauty of darkness, but not in the overtly gothic or depressing way, but rather a more positive outlook of it.

So let me know what you think regarding making this into an album.

Thanks for reading, if you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp and tip me on Ko-Fi.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 27th, 2022

Over the years whenever I've ever made an accusation that things may not be what they seem, I get called two words. Even if they don't even qualify as the topic. Those words? "Conspiracy Theorist".

Now when it comes to conspiracy theories I am so-so on it because there have been moments that seem too ridiculous to believe, but end up being true anyway. However in terms of calling me one, yes I connect dots, but I never shout conspiracy over all of them. I just notice something's off and say why I think something's off.

To me a conspiracy theorist falls along the lines of some people making something out of nothing or a small fraction of something. Like say for example the JFK conspiracy theories. Some people say there may have been other shooters. Plausible, because as a president John F. Kennedy did have a lot of enemies. However others take it to the nth degree and claim ridiculous stuff like say the shooter was actually in the car or some shit like that. That's a conspiracy theory.

That said, I've also noticed that Conspiracy Theories have become so common place they've been the talk of movies:

As well as become the butt of many jokes:

Yet whether you believe them or not, Conspiracy Theories will always be around before and after us. So as a bit of a joke. I decided to come up with my own Conspiracy Theory and encourage others to submit their own. Now these can be 100 percent fake or based off things you actually believe in, but the point is to make them sound somewhat believable.

Here's mine:

The Beyond Meat Company is putting nano-machines in their burgers, making people think they're healthy, when in fact they're turning them into slaves. All so they can be sacrificed to the Great Moon Sun Star for profit. It's why they're all so pale after a steady diet of them and the only way you can tell it's one of them, is when they say "Nice day out Eh?" That's right, it's all a big plot to turn everyone into a Canadian.

Now you all come up with yours. Have fun.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 22nd, 2022

Once again I am happy to announce that more of my works have been put on Bandcamp. Which I will list here:


One Halloween Night

While Halloween is over, I figured this would be a good time to help people prepare for the next one. One of my favourite things growing up is going to haunted house attractions. Be it in amusement parks or some neighbour's garage on Halloween. So in both tribute and contribution to that, I decided to make a simple, yet scary tune for all your haunted house needs. And the best part is, it's only $1 CAD.


Finding Out What She Is: Lovecraft Noir Theme Song

I updated my Bandcamp version of the Album to add the theme song to it. It's the second track of the album because I thought It'd be fitting that the title theme would play after the first skit. Also $1 CAD by itself, but the Album Price is still $3.99 Cad.


Silver Boom Werewolf

Just finished this moments ago, hope everyone enjoys. $3.99 CAD

Of course if there's something on my Bandcamp you can't find on my Newgrounds, you're welcome to look for it there.

And of course, if you're feeling generous, leave a tip on my Ko-Fi.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 22nd, 2022

This one is unique as this one has evolved over the years.

No matter where we come from, what our race, sex, orientation, religion and political views we have there is one thing that unites us all. The ability to create, put up with and make Drama higher priority than our own lives. I myself am no exception.

Whether my intentions are good or ill, the result is often the same that because I decide to fight and regardless if I'm right or wrong, my words have consequences. Allows those who used to be my friends, collaborators and so on, to view me in a different light. Yet despite that I continue to fight for what I believe is the right thing to do. I'm willing to risk ridicule, harassment and even the possibility of losing my account, should someone do something I view as wrong. However over the years I've evolved and changed over time. In my youth, I was more impulsive and more of an asshole. If someone didn't agree with me, I'd treat them like shit, not caring about the consequences that befall myself or the person who happened to piss me off at the time. Nowadays, I've come to the conclusion that this type of action is wrong, mainly because I didn't take the time to stop and think. Yet, while I do that, there are others who shall remain nameless, who insist on keeping the drama going either because they revel in suffering or they are simply that bored and ashamed of their personal lives that the only way they can acknowledge their own existence is by trying to erase others systematically. A lot of them are cowards, hiding behind a screen, because they're afraid to face their victims head on. When I was a kid, whenever I got bullied or beat up, the bullies at least had the decency to say and do their shit to me directly rather than have net cojones. The closest we got to Cyberbullying were prank calls and even then the jokes and insults were so lame that they ended up being Ironically Funny.

Of course like the other articles in this series, I divide it over different subjects.

Drama over disagreement

Part of the reason why I'm often on the shit list of many people on the net, is because either they freak out on me for not agreeing with them or I insult them when I find them too stupid or psychotic to take seriously. Which gives them enough traction to treat me like I'm gonna be the next Adolf Hitler. Before I used to try to explain myself, but it often falls on deaf ears, so I let the babies have their botttles and ignore it until it comes back to me. But the one thing that pisses me off about it, mainly because I used to be one of these assholes, is that these people manage to get so many gullible naive kids involved in their bullshit, because said kids easily give in to mob mentality......as well as some adults. In fact the damn thing becomes borderline cultish and pedophilic. First off, while I may sound like a hypocrite as I was a kid when I discovered this site, I don't think kids should ever use this site, simply because there are just as many adults here, talking adult situations and these kids somehow get themselves involved in it. Which sickens me to my very core. I worry that certain people would end up convincing these kids to start rioting at best or at worse make them commit mass suicide. To an extent I don't think kids should have access to social media. Part of the reason why so many kids are toxic is because, their parents use it as their kid's babysitter. The same parents that complain when they see violent or sexual content on their computers and instead blame the computer and the source of the content rather than themselves. And their attempts to make this site more kid friendly simply just gave them an outlet not only to go after other kids, but also start wars between kids and adults. You would not believe how many people use the "You're fighting with kids, you're the bad one" Argument on me. Much of the reason why I don't acknowledge it, is based on the following factors.

  1. For all I know, these aren't kids I'm arguing with, but childish adults raised on screen dependency that treat the whole world like it's their social media and ergo damn others for trying to bring them back to reality and tell them, the consequences of their actions.
  2. Barring that, if they are kids, then it's on both them for going on sites like this and social media knowing they're fighting with adults. As well as the parents for letting their kid run free to bully the world like he does other kids at school.

All because someone either disagreed with them or disagreed with someone they idolized. Now there are some exceptions. Good kids that actually try to promote their creativity and avoid drama while they can. Some of which I'm proud to call my friends. However they're in the minorty compared to the rest, their voices silenced by those who care only about their own status points and the fuckers that try to please, coddle and cater to them. All while trying to bring the few good people out there, down to their level.

Drama over public Figure/Celeb

I admit I'm guilty of this too. Before I joined on this site, I've defended controversial figures before, with literally the same success as I defended Jes, simply because I thought they were innocent. Or at the very least, things got blown way out of proportion that the way the person gets treated feels undeserved. Case in point Jes. Before I saw how they were treating him over this thing, I was ready to ignore him based on the insinuation alone. Yet to his credit when I talked to him about it, he was honest. He admitted it, told me his reasons, showed clear regret to this day and because I knew him a little longer than I knew his accusers I trusted his word and even then I was pissed off enough to stay silent after that. It wasn't until I saw these people, ridicule him to the nth degree like they were fucking General Population, that I stepped in and defended him. For him and others, I've fought harshly with people whom disagreed with me and treated them like scum and they in turn not only fight me worse, but tell everyone they know about me, so they can go after me if they wanted to. I say what I have to say, I argue, then I move on unless someone or something drags me back into it. Much of the reason why I do that is because the drama usually gets started by people. Ordinary people whom happen to gained some fame on the net, who are not cops, nor lawyers, yet not only do they act like both for the net, but they convince their own toxic fans, that their word is God. If I cannot convince people there are other sides of the story, no matter how harshly I tell it, then I try to move on and I've become a better person because of it. Much of the reason why people keep fighting each other over this, is because they cannot comprehend the idea that some people disagree. That some people think they're wrong. However the main reason I even remotely defend these figures, against them are for 3 reasons.

  1. I was raised to fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves.
  2. Regardless of how right you feel about a situation, if you're being an asshole, I refuse to give you the satisfaction. It shows me that right or wrong, your true colours emerge and you're just looking for an excuse to hurt people. I should know, I used to do that myself as a kid. I grew out of it. Clearly you didn't.
  3. As a kid growing up, I've done stupid things that at best got me in trouble and at worst nearly got me killed. People have stepped in and helped me and I'd be dishonouring them if I didn't at the very least try for the next person. Especially if I owe said person one.

If anyone were to ask me if I regret anything, it's that I didn't try harder. Yet because people love to fight so much and love to gawk at people they don't know personally, it's a losing battle.

Drama For The Sake of Drama

This here, not only sums up the other two, but is the main reason why everything is so toxic about the net. When the internet was first out, it was nothing but people bitching about movies and sharing pornography with each other. Nowadays with everything hooked into everything, we are basically in the Net equivalent to a cramped room. Some people glad to be with others they like, while some decide in an effort to clear said room, start fights for the hell of it. One thing I've noticed on places like this and Youtube is that the drama always starts, when someone hides something on someone and only brings it out when they feel they've beuen slighted. What they consider a trump card I consider being an accessory after the fact, as well as blackmail and entrapment, considering many of them often withhold the knowledge of a potential crime and only use it when someone does something petty in comparison to it. If it's kids doing this, then considering Blackmail and Entrapment are federal offences and withholding info on a potential federal offence, that's grounds to try you as an adult and put you in prison with grown men who are willing to do unspeakable things to children. Is the drama worth it now? I may not agree with what they think, but even I know well enough to know, that their actions regardless of how right they feel have fucked them royally. All because they wanted to keep drama going. The worst part is, that adults are guilty of this kind of thing too. With the same childish mentality that they think they're gonna leave this unscathed.

So in conclusion. My view on drama is that, we can to so much without it, but at the same time, a lot of us are so fucking stubborn that they'll keep it going by any means. Which is why to set an example, from this article forward, I will no longer get involved with anyone's drama bullshit. I am gonna continue doing what I'm doing. Making music and trying to make it in the entertainment business. And I suggest you all do the same. No matter how strongly you feel about something, it's not worth destroying your phyiscal, mental, emotional and if you believe in it, spiritual health.

That said if you feel the need to outlet any negative emotions I once again direct you to a great man Mister Fred Rogers:

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more entertainment to come.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 21st, 2022

Bit of a follow up to this:


Just recently I had to verbally tear apart some bible thumper who tried to judge JDF on the way he died.

Now while this person ticked me off, there are those be it Catholicism or other religions that believe that Suicide is the greatest sin a man or woman can ever commit. So it's easy to see why he or anyone for that matter would react this way. The taking of your own life is bad indeed. In his case, he thinks Jason David Frank is in Hell and that no one should praise him for it. And as much as I hate the guy for saying it, JDF is Christian so he most likely believes that too.

However, here's the thing.

The man from the start of his acting career, has dedicated a huge fraction of his life, before and after he had his own family and kids, to becoming a proper entertainer, teacher and role model to children all over America as well as the rest of the world. With the exception of some personal feuds, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body that I know of at least. He is also the closest thing to a real life modern warrior. His MMA Career has him undefeated and as tragic as his death was, the silver lining of it is that he died maintaining that streak before anyone could even take it from him and trust me people have tried:

If there is a Heaven and Hell, then I forsee two possibilities.

One, God will overlook the suicide part based on the deeds of his life, should God decide that they are good enough. Heaven will have gained a great soldier.

Two, he'll go to Hell and after spending some time lamenting, he'll remember what he said "Jesus didn't tap." and He'll fight his way through every circle not to escape, but to clean house. Meaning every demon and every terrible unashamed soul that has ever lived and died for over a millennia better watch out. Because Jason Fearless Frank is gonna do what he pretended to do on TV since 1993. Fight evil where he comes.

Either way, there is nothing and I mean nothing that will further ruin his rep in life or in death. Plus should there be an afterlife he's not alone, his brother and Thuy are with him too. So needless to say much like his Sentai Counterpart Burai. Not even Death can stop him from fighting the good fight.

And if any religious extremists have a problem with that, then wait. I'm sure once you're in Hell you can tell him yourself. Unless you're scared.

Jason, wherever you are, you're still a hero in my book.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 20th, 2022






I regret to inform you, that Jason David Frank, has passed away. While details surrounding his death are unknown. However some reports say he took his own life. This came at a huge shock to me, because this was moments after another hero of mine passed away. Kevin Conroy, whom many of you know as the quintessential voice actor for Batman. Needless to say I just watched my childhood die twice.

Jason "Fearless" David Frank, got his start in life as a Martial Artist as a Shotokan Karate Practicioner since he was a kid, in terms of his marital arts prowess around the time of his death he has become an 8th Dan Black Belt in Shotokan and has also filled his palette with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wado-Ryu, Muai Thai, Taekwondo, Judo, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do and Aikido, before he eventually came up with his own style. Toso Kune Do or "Way of The Fighting Fist." as opposed to Jeet Kune Do "Way of The Intercepting Fist."

However if you're like me, you know that his real claim to fame was when he got started in a popular 90s Television show "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" in which he played Tommy Oliver aka the Green Ranger, White Ranger, Red Zeo Ranger, Red Turbo Ranger I and finally The Black Dino Thunder Ranger. When the show began for him, he was only contracted for 14 episodes, however due to his popluarity of the Green Ranger skyrocketing, they tried to keep him on longer even with the sentai footage long since over, due to the death of his counterpart Yamato Tribe Knight Burai of Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger. However while many know him as the badass hero that transcended throughout the franchise, I first knew him as the Evil Green Ranger:

On top of Power Rangers and some other films and shows, Frank leaves behind Rising Sun Karate, the school he opened in an effort to get more kids interested in martial arts as well as a long career in Mixed Martial Arts under the name Jason Fearless Frank.

Frank's demise is one of many things that surround the Power Rangers name including but not limited to the death of his brother Erik Frank, whom guest starred on Zeo as well as the unfortunate demise of Thuy Trang aka Trini the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger I.

The man was literally one of the first heroes I've ever laid eyes on when I was a kid outside watching the usual Batman, Spider-man and DC animated stuff. My regret on the matter is that I never got a chance to meet him. From what I've seen over the years, the man save for a few feuds is as salt of the earth as one can get.

So in tribute to a great person I shall share with you the theme song that got him into super stardom:

Rest in Peace Jason and may the power protect you.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 19th, 2022

As most of you know, I often created art using my OCs to troll Putin. I figured a guy like him with a massive ego, would be so overtly sensitive that he'd blow a gasket if anyone started badmouthing him on the internet. I even went so far as make gifs invoking Assassin from the Newgrounds of Old such as these:

Now it seems that Ukraine's military has taken a similar cue according to Newsweek.

Ukraine Trolls Russia With Video of Soldier Surrendering to Drone

A Russian soldier is seen surrendering to a group of Ukrainian ground troops, all while being recorded by a drone. The video has since been shared by Ukraine's military on their social media and used to troll the hell out of the Russian Army and to an extent Putin.

While the war is far from over, I hope this gives some much needed levity to Ukraine's soliders, civilians and politicians after almost a year of terror.

I could not believe it. It was like something out of Hot Shots Part Deux. All that's missing is the late great Miguel Ferrer doing this:

The fact that they can get a good laugh out of this, gives me hope they may win this thing.

Who knows maybe that Rasputin song may be coming for Vlady sooner than we thought.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 19th, 2022

Picking up where this one left off:


I decided to do concept art of Eldra's male form. For those who haven't seen this:

Spoilers. Eldra made her official onscreen debut in the form an unassuming man trying to gain entrance to the house of a pure soul, by claiming he lost his cat.

For this I had to make a guy who looked harmless, but had a hidden suspicion:







Creepy Smile:


Creepy Rage:


Fake Worry:


I painted some crude lines on the arms as a way of showing Eldra hidden beneath this shell. But the idea being that on the outside this guy doesn't look like he'd hurt a fly, but on the inside the humans are the files to her.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 19th, 2022

While I was looking for ways to promote myself, I looked into V-Tubing. For those that don't know. V-Tubing is where you use a virtual persona for things like Livestreams.

I don't have a proper camera and mic set to do it, but I've already made an Avatar to test it out as well as provide concept art for my characters so that people would have a better visual than what I usually draw. To test this out, I made one for Eldra:













Let me know what you think.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 18th, 2022

One of the most difficult goals of trying to promote myself, is literally trying to find more ways to promote myself.

Some say to do it through social media, but that can only do so much. I can't do live concerts because much of my stuff is midi based so it'd just be me standing there pushing buttons ala DJs and Daft Punk (God I miss that duo.). If I could find a way to simply do a live stream that jukeboxes my music, then I'm all ears as I always wanted my own radio station and that's the closest to it.

However I got to thinking, maybe if I can find a way to have some of my works adapted, even if no one pays for them, but uses them to both help promote themselves and promote my work then maybe I could get ahead and even get some paying customers to boot.

So here's what's gonna happen. Once and a while I am gonna post newsposts just like this one and I'm gonna put some of my work out there for people to adapt or add to their own.

In this case, I'm advertising some of my Audiodrama stuff, both my parodies and my mainstream work. I offer the first animator to answer full permission to adapt these free of charge, however they wish based on the following conditions:

  1. The obvious. Credit for my work.
  2. In terms of my more mainstream stuff, consulting me on the appearances and settings of the characters.
  3. A link to their profile and their works they consider their best so that I may promote them in return.

So here we go. For this I offer the following:

Lovecraft Noir and it's Eldra: A Lovecraft Noir Spin-Off

Behind The Squeak My Behind The Music Parody of Alvin and The Chipmunks. I offer my parody, because I figured if any new and up and coming animators want something to cut their teeth on, what better than to do it with a parody of something well known.

Other than the conditions I've set above, do what you want and have fun.

Thanks for reading, if you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp and tip me on Ko-Fi.
