Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
I woke up this afternoon and read that one of my favourite chain stores did something very bad. At a Scarborough Giant Tiger, a long time Indigenous Customer by the name of Hector King Jr. was kicked out of one of their stores for alleged theft. They claimed they had security footage of him doing it, but when he demanded to see the footage they refused. First of all the accused has every right to be shown evidence of the crime they are accused of. So the fact that they refuse to do so, shows there are rats running the place. I don't mean tattletales. Second, this is not the first time they went after natives. They accused the same to another in Regina 2017. So needless to say it doesn't take a detective or even a psychic to know that what these cashiers and security are doing is racial profiling and discrimination.
As someone with Native blood, I am shocked and appalled that they would do something like this especially after the recent scandal Canada went through regarding the residential schools. And to an old man of all people too. So I am boycotting the Giant Tiger Chain and I ask any Canadian readers out there to do the same.
Now that I managed to complete my story I decided to post not just a single of part 2, but also an mini-album of the complete series. The singles and the tracks are $1 each or you could get the entire series for $1.50
One of my true fans PM'd me. I won't say their name because last I want is for that person to get harassed. What they said on top of their vow to support me, made me realize something. Up until now, i've been so used to handling things through Paypal, that it didn't occur to me that at least some of you probably don't have a paypal account or said account doesn't get along with banks. So for those that truly wish to help support me financially, I dusted off this old account:
This does not require you to use Paypal to give tips or pay me for a requested product and I have put it on my profile recently. Simple Credit or Debit card would do.
I've been doing music for over 4 years. 2 on Newgrounds. I've gotten into my fair share of drama on this site alone and while there have been a few straggling arguments, I've managed to push myself past it and move on. My main goal on this site, was to promote my work in hopes I would either get paying customers or collabs. And while I have succeeded in the latter for some and waited for others, I find that enough is enough. At first I thought that maybe, it was my fault that I didn't promote myself. Maybe because I pissed off a veteran or two on the site for standing up for what I've believed in or even made myself somewhat a pariah for fighting for someone I believe is innocent. Maybe because I started promoting things, you all just happen to conveniently hate. Or maybe just simply that my music is good enough. Well guess what I have come to the conclusion, that all that is wrong. I know exactly what is the reason why I haven't been able to move forward. 2. in Fact.
I am cursed. This has happened to me my whole life and I don't give a fuck how many of you downplayed my stuff, because you have no fucking clue the shit I've been through. I'm sure some of you do, but the rest of this site, has no fucking idea the life I lead. My whole life, I've had nothing but bad luck, from minor things like not even being able to enter a contest, let alone win to major things watching my loved ones die in front of me. While others keep trying to use, control or destroy me. I am well aware I am not the only one who has gone through this, the world does not revolve around me, but I am sick to death of this fucking pin point accurate bad luck happening to me and I have always believed someone or something is responsible for it. You may find me crazy for what I'm about to say, but whoever and whatever is out there, I only have one thing to say "FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!" If you really see me as a fucking threat, then you're just gonna have to fucking kill me, because I will not stop working hard until I die of exhaustion. Then you'll have lost one of many of your cosmic playthings. You thought I was a threat before and I never even did anything to antagonize a being such as yourself, well you have a threat now. So either stop or get the fuck out of my way.
Barring that, save for a select few, who I will not name, because I will not turn any against each other. It's your fault. You, my fans. You follow my work, you download it and with some few exceptions, not a single one of you helped me move forward and I'm not just talking money. My music isn't perfect, but it's not bad either. No need to be modest anymore, I'm probably one of the greatest composers of the modern world. Good enough to at least be in the Tank Tribune. However it's also very cheap. Literally a dollar or two for a single track. I've heard a variety of reasons why no one wants to pay, many of them have nothing to do with hating my work and while I believe some, I have come to the conclusion, that a huge bulk of it is bullshit. I know for a fact it's because you don't want to spend your hard earned money on something you've been listening for free. I'm sorry, but unless you can prove me otherwise, I don't believe a single word of it. And I'm also calling out the mods of this site too. How the hell am I supposed to know who downloads my work? For all I know, they could be pirates posting it on Youtube and passing it off as their own. Maybe even making money off my work without my fucking permission. It wouldn't kill you guys to at least have an alert or notification that let's me know who download it so that on the off chance it turns out to be someone who happens to like my work I could thank them. But no. Same with the faves. I shouldn't have to check my songs every so often to know someone's faving my work. But I ramble on. As I said before it's not just money. Even if you all were legit in what you've said, you could have found other ways to help me out. Link my work, talk about it amongst your friends. Simple stuff that doesn't even cost you a fucking thing, but save for a select few, not a single one of you motherfuckers, save for a select few, has ever gone out of their way to do that. No matter how much I asked nicely and I have been asking nicely. No more.
If you're only here to leech off my work and see me make an ass of myself should the next drama spell hit me, then you unfollow me right fucking now. Because I'm sick of lip service fans and I'm sick of not being able to move forward. I don't make this music to please fans. I make this music for me and if people happen to like it, more power to them. This isn't a hobby, this is fucking work. This is art and I am not gonna let anyone or anything keep me from moving forward in this or my life. I'm sick of waiting, I'm sick of asking. As of now, I'm demanding and fighting.
If you truly are my fans, if you truly wish for me to get ahead in this, then you help me. You fight alongside me and you make sure I get ahead while I do the same for you. That is my word. If not, then you can all go fuck yourselves.
Oh my God, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. First of all major apologies, I would have done this as soon as the shot was done, but I was just so fucking tired after it all that I went to sleep as soon as I got home, but I'll log on the events here. As you know I've done the shot twice before:
And this one I've dreaded for a while, but I had to bite the bullet one day and do this. Like before this will get updated as time goes on. The entire point of this is that if you all can see what I go through, it might scare you less. So here's what happened.
Thursday February 17 2:20 AM:
I arrive at Rexall 10 minutes before my early appointment. Needless to say I'm fucking terrified. I've done this twice. Endured the side effects twice. I had no expectations,this would be different. I go in, check in and they make me wait. Which is astonishing, because I was the only one so far that had shown up for the booster. Let alone any of the doses. Still because I was the only one that showed up I managed to come in early. The doctor in charge, not gonna lie, probably one of the nicest people I've ever come across in my town. Helps that she's kinda gorgeous. Lol. She asks me if I experienced any side effects of the first two and I was honest I told her what happened the first two times:
Severe Dehydration.
Inhuman Craving for Sugar
The Dehydration and Sugar part surprised her, because she never heard anyone go through it, but she logged it down. I could kinda sense the inner scientist in her, when she does so, because she wrote it down so fast that I get the feeling she may tell fellow doctors and other people in charge of the shot this. I reassured her it was nothing I couldn't handle as I knew the remedies for these symptoms:
Plenty of Fluids.
Plenty of Sweets to handle the craving.
Ginger Ale for the Nausea.
We get it over with and like before I had it done on my right arm:
Then the same song and dance goes. I get back in the waiting room and wait 15 minutes for initial reactions and it took a little longer, because they were printing my certificate:
I get myself a slice of Pizza before I go home, because I didn't eat anything prior, worried it may jump start the nausea. I then had a speghetti dinner before I went to bed.
February 18 2022 6:30 AM:
I was asleep for 15 hours, due to how long of a day it felt. When I woke up, I was already very dehydrated so I had water first chance I got and had a cookie to quell any potential cravings. I made the mistake of not waiting soon enough for the nausea to kick in to drink the ginger ale last time I did this, so I'm waiting until it hurts like hell. So far nothing, but I don't think that's gonna last.
8:33 AM:
My arm is severly sore, my head kinda hurts and my stomach is beginning to cramp. Whoopity do. Usually it takes a few days, but I guess this is why they call it a booster.
10:04 AM: Had some toast to settle the stomach. Arm still hurts and there's a rash on my elbow that feels like it's rugburned.
12:10 PM Pinprick headaches starting. Feels like something is crawling and scratching around in my head. Bulk of the pain is around my forehead and crown. May take tylenol if it feels worse.
3:04 PM Took tylenol a few hours ago and my headache is gone. So far so good.
5:53 PM Started getting bad sweat. Stomach acting up a little. Had soft pasta dinner to not trigger nausea prematurely.
Update: 3 doses and only once has some douchebag Anti-Vaxxer showed up. Seriously Vaxpire? Just fucking admit you hate autism already.
February 19 2022 1:23 AM Went to have some ginger ale after I had a familiar feeling. I managed to get a 2L Bottle this time, so even if it crops up more after, I have plenty to use. I look in the mirror and I find what looks like a rash on my neck. This never happened in the first two shots, so it can't be simply an allergic reaction. Other than that so far things have been stable. Just strange.
February 19 2022 11:08 AM woke up with bad case of nausea a couple hours ago. Drank Ginger Ale. Feel fine after.
3:33 PM So far things are good enough that I can wait another day or two for anything big. Seems I managed to nip my feared nausea in the bud, but I'll wait. I will log in for anything new, but as far as I am concerned this is concluded for now.
I thank everyone who took the time to read this. To the Anti-Vaxxer who decided to blast me. Fuck you. I'm still alive and rather than spout off bullshit you clearly got from others who never took the shot, yetknow so much about them. Maybe listen to people that actually had it.
For the rest stay tuned for more music, art and whatever the fuck I can think of.
Ladies, Gentlemen, that technicolor rainbow in between....fuck it, the whole human race, even those I dislike need to hear about this. In the past 2 years, we've been dealing with a pandemic that while not as long lasting, has really did a number on the world. Changing the way we usually do things regardless of where we come from. However, one thing we always differed from, regarding it, at least those who know it's real and not those that think it's fake; is the origin of where it comes from. Some people insist on China. Myself included. With some thinking it was a lab accident gone haywire, others thinking it was some kind of bioweapon gone loose. I myself thought some idiot janitor at Wuhan labs sold the tainted animals at the wet market for extra cash. Others think the US did it to sabotage China and it spread all over. Some even just dismiss it all and say it just happened, that it's an evolved form of it's predecessors like SARS.
However, what I am about to tell you is not only the craziest idea, but one that does come across as a conspiracy theory when you first read it. Just not a government one. Now I don't use the term in admittance, ever. Because I always try to rationalize the situations that are often accused of the conspiracy part. For example, many who claim say Marvel sabotaged DC and Vice Versa are dismissed as such, when I simply say something along the lines of "It's not even a conspiracy let alone a theory. Conspiracies are hidden, this was out in the open and very typical corporate bullshit." This was a revelation that came to me not too long ago and I really hope to God I am wrong about this, because if I'm right, I get the feeling that even if the pandemic ends, we may be in for something worse.
Before I explain. A little context. As many know, I've done an article about movies that predicted the future. With my personal belief that through The Thing and They Live, John Carpenter helped predict Covid-19 exactly. Specifically, the Thing being the first outbreak and They Live on how we as a species dealt with it. I may list other movies in the future as I found more, but that's another article for another time.
I was watching this clip:
It's the opening scene of the 1978 version of Invasion of The Body Snatchers. When I first saw this movie, I caught it halfway through on TV, so up until a few years ago, I never seen this opening before. Yet I couldn't stop watching it for one specific reason. For context, in the 1956 version the titular pod people that invade and duplicate the human race, came from plant spores from another planet and somehow managed to get to Earth to start their invasion. In this version however, rather than simply spores, they are transparent, amorphous, gelatinous beings that resemble single cell organisms rather than merely plant life and it wasn't until they landed on Earth's trees that they became Seedpods. Turning into small flowers to lure in victims to take them home so they could kill and duplicate them. While at the same time, living off the leaves they spread to for nourishment. Like a parasitic symbiotic virus. Sound familiar?
We've been so focused on where on EARTH this thing came from, looking down in a way, when we should have looked up. Beyond the sky, beyond the atmosphere and into the vastness of Space.
Now before anyone says it yes, a movie like Invasion of The Body Snatchers is less likely to happen. As those pods, be it seed spores or flying sentient shape-shifting germs would no doubt burn on re-entry. However there is one vital clue that shows how these things may have come to earth. At a certain angle when the Body Snatchers are flying about empty space, some of them at a far distance seemed to twinkle resembling stars. I couldn't tell them from the actual stars. I propose two theories regarding them. 1. They could duplicate inorganic life as well as organic life, which would explain how they survived re-entry. 2. The more plausible, being they hitched a ride on a large meteor which slowly disintegrated and didn't hop out until it was close enough to earth to fall and blend in with the rain.
But that's just explaining the movie. How does this have anything to do with Covid?
Simple. First and Foremost, I would like for you to look up the name Robert Bakker. He's a famous paleontologist and his theory was that after the Asteroid destroyed most of the dinosaurs, the rest got finished off by a multitude of diseases caused by the change in environment. However I offer an extension to this theory. Since the asteroid was big enough to land on earth to wipe it out, what if there were diseases within it too. Ones that cross-bred with the native diseases on what used to be Pangaea? There have been many articles recently saying that the asteroid is still affecting Earth to this day. One of which being millions of microorganisms, growing and evolving right underneath our crust. So I theorize in that case, maybe one of them simply got out and intermingled with the Corona virus as a whole, be it by itself or through the disease carrying animals like Bats.
However so far, with every disease we've been hit over the millennia, as well as our efforts to adapt, immunize and fight them off over the course of the same era, we've managed to make it through Ok, regardless of the casualties. This pandemic being no exception even if it's taking longer. However, part of why it's taking so long is that people regardless of what they theorize have no fucking clue where it came from.
I realized that maybe, in small doses compared to the Dinosaur Asteroid, that these meteors, even if they don't hit the Earth, would probably accumulate over time into one big thing. And I think I know where it came from. Like I said. I think. As in I'm not 100% certain, but I do believe it's possible. Much like I've mentioned before I think like the Asteroid, this disease among many others in space, may have hitched a ride on many meteors big and small and either landed directly on earth or landed close enough to spread to it.
The most common way to witness a meteor or a group of meteors falling to earth is through Meteor Showers. Meteor Showers have often been considered harmless physically because the meteors burn up in re-entry before they hit the earth. That is unless they are big enough to survive the fall. Even then they contain radioactive material in them, which while seemingly harmless to us, could make a brilliant hotbed for things smaller than us. So I offer two theories regarding this one.
The first being that during a meteor shower one of the bigger ones hit the Earth and was either left unchecked or someone took it home with them. However I debunk this one a little, because you'd need to know if it landed somewhere in Wuhan for that one to even be plausible. That being said, best bet would be to check anywhere in the area and see if there are new meteors displayed in their museums.
The second, being that even the one's that disintegrated were closer to earth long enough for this particular organism to fall just about anywhere on Earth. Meaning even if the Meteor is destroyed, there are still odds the virus may have made it down. Either staying airborne or landing in the closest living population to intermingle with the local bacteria. This one I find more believable.
That being said, on this site:, I was looking into the previous calenders that predict and log when the next meteor shower would hit. One specifically popped into mind. It was known as the Leonid Meteor Shower. An event that happens once a year in November. Said shower let's 10 - 15 meteors per hour loose in our atmosphere. So I looked up the dates to see if it coincided with the first outbreak. This particular shower was predicted to happen on 15th in 2019 and was expected to peak on the 16th - 17th of that same month and year. that is over 48 hours of meteors falling. At that rate it'd be 480 - 720 meteors falling to the sky, disintegrating into dust and smoke if they got close enough. Which in turn spreads out in the atmosphere and through the local weather falls down to the Earth. And that's just the peak days. I do not want to know how many there actually was during the actual period of it.
What does this have to do with covid? That period of time was 2 - 3 days before November 19, 2019. The first official outbreak in Wuhan. Then I looked into the ones in 2020, there was a different type of meteor shower known as ε-Perseids. Which happen every September once per year. 5 Meteors per hour with it lasting from September 5 to September 21. That's 5 Meteors per hour for 16 days. 384 hours. 1920 Meteors fall during that time. September 2020 was when the first variants were estimated to start from. Then I looked into 2021, the Leonids strike again, this time the period was between november 6 - 30 with it's peak on the 17th once again. 24 days of 10 meteors. That's 576 hour, giving it a total of 5760 Meteors. So if 2019's period is the same, that makes that times 2 for both. It also happens to be around the time the Omicron Variant was discovered and reported. Kind of odd that our most recent variant 2 months ago, was discovered about 1 year and 5 days after the first outbreak occurred, isn't it?
Now I'm not saying this is right. For all I know, it could be a massive coincidence at best or complete and total bullshit at worst. I really hope to God it's the latter, because if it's not then we got bigger things to worry about.
Meteors have often been associated with many end of the world scenarios, mostly associated with warnings of it. Such as Revelation's prediction that the Stars will fall to the Earth, signifying judgment day. What if instead of a warning, it's what may be the cause, but not in the way we think? But rather than a natural cause, what if these ones are deliberately aimed at us?
By all intents and purposes if Meteors were enough to hurt us in this way, then we'd all be at risk every time there's a meteor shower and there have been shitloads between the dates I've mentioned. So naturally we'd be fucked every time. However aside from them accumulating as I mentioned here's what I believe is happening. Probably the craziest thing anyone has ever thought of.
Imagine you're a race of aliens and for some reason or another you're pissed off at Earth. Whether it's because we're destructive, are a potential threat, or the humans just happen to be in the way of a new place you want to live in. Now a full scale invasion would seem the logical way to go. An armada of ships, but even if your power is capable enough to wipe the humans off the face of the Earth, you don't want to risk harming the planet. Nor a potential revolution. So you come up with a plan. A way to kill everyone, but without damaging any natural resources, assuming you don't have the tech to fix what they broke. So you take advantage of an event that happens once a year and you smuggle the virus onto earth using the meteors as cover. Thinking it'd be a piece of cake. However you find to your shock that the humans found a way to fight it back. Through Vaccines and other things. So you send a stronger virus. They fight back again. You send another one. They fight back once more. The baffling part is, they don't even know they're fighting you to begin with. Yet they keep winning.
I think the next major variant will come in the next meteor shower, possibly on September or November this year, but odds are it will happen during any other date as well. I really hope to God I'm wrong.
Now this isn't set in stone, I could be very, very wrong, however if I'm right, this stopped being a pandemic and started becoming a war of the worlds.
Years ago, I did a youtube channel specifically based on promoting CIEIR Music. More or less promoting stuff I worked on before joining Newgrounds. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of anything I hadn't done anywhere else, so I decided mostly for fun, to do a compilation of some of my favourite work that I did last year. Go check it out.