Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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Vote Power:
6.54 votes
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Global Rank:
> 100,000
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1m 1d

CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 25th, 2022

Over the years, as much as I hate the fucking subject, I've actually become very fascinated with politics of all kinds. Be it Democracies, Monarchies or even the occasional dictatorship. After watching the news on Russia try to take Ukraine by force, I got to thinking a few things. One, if they take over one former Soviet place, we're fucked because we all have to go to war against them and let's face it, as much as I boast about my own Country's Military, I am not an idiot, the Soviets were ultimately the ones that took down most of Germany forcing Hitler to off himself in the first place. Now if the guy was so scared of Russia, that despite killing over 11 million people, is willing to bite a bullet, then we should be pretty fucking scared.

However, I come to a realization, that many of the wars that have happened over the past centuries was done because of the constantly differing political viewpoints. In other words, people arguing about bullshit. However I came to notice something. This is mostly based on the west's view of democracy. However I think if one can annex this and apply it to other political view points I think I may have a solution.

In both Canada and The US for example, our biggest problem is that despite being a democracy, it runs like a monarchy. Meaning whoever is the dominant political party that takes over as President and Prime Minister respectfully, regardless which other parties have seats in the Capitol and House of Commons, has to abide by their overall rule even if they don't agree with it. The only limits, being what they can do or can't do in their own state/province.

Because of that, it makes everyone outside those countries think despite us and them saying otherwise, that each leader only goes by one party. Which in fact they do. The only times the other parties ever have a chance for a say is if they happen to occupy the most seats.

For example, a mostly democratic white house is legally obligated to hear some republicans out, should they occupy the most seats in Senates and Congresses. A mostly Liberal Government has to hear out the Conservatives if they take the majority seats in The House of Commons. Doesn't mean that said leader has to impliment their suggestions, just means they have a right to disagree, which is basically a bastardization of what Democracy should be about.

We spent most of our time, energy and even money arguing about who should be the definitive party. After careful deliberation, here is my answer.

All of them. There should be a leader up top that represents each and every party and each decision should be put to a vote between them.

One person, literally can't appeal to the rest of the country even with their cabinet, every party deserves a say. Their Pros encouraged, their cons dismissed. That is true democracy, because rather than have one person, one party, run it all under the delusion of everyone getting a say, then we all get a fucking say.

I saw a miracle, something I never expected to see, but every single political party in my country agreed that Russia should be sanctioned for what they did. Whether you all believe it should be or not, is irrelavant at this time, because let me ask you this. How often do political parties agree with each other. It's literally slim to none because most of the time they are more focused on fighting for what they believe is their share of the country. This literally rarely ever happens. They even specifically said, that they'd settle their differences just to fight this fucking thing.

All I am saying is that it should happen more often. And with the very people that put them up top, we could end up for once making things better. Not just for our countries, but for the rest of the world. Think about it.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 22nd, 2022


Lovecraft Noir: The Complete Series

There are times in my life when I don't know what the fuck I am doing, yet some how they end up resulting in amazing things. This is one of those times.

When I first did this skit:

I was mostly going for two things. One, a dark deadpan comedy skit where even the most silly of words sound serious. As well as being able to improvise without having to read a script and using the items I had with me at the time, as the background sounds. In this case, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a glass with ice and a bottle of cheap rye whiskey.

Little did I know that it would blossom into a full story, until now.

With these:

I was merely trying to immerse my listeners into the story and see how people would react if things like this would actually happen to them. Why shouldn't the listener be part of the fun?

Yet, when I finished with this:

I had no idea, that I created a full fledged story from beginning to end until I finished recording this.

Yet it's something I'm very proud of and I am extremely proud to share this with all of you.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 22nd, 2022

As most of you know I did a vent piece a couple days ago:


One of my main gripes was that I felt my fans weren't doing enough to help me regarding me moving forward with this. A user who shall remain nameless, commented accusing me of using this to manipulate and guilt trip you all in hopes I'd become successful financially. That is way far from the truth, I was mostly angry because for one I felt like there was a curse put on me, preventing me from moving forward. And barring that, I felt that maybe, fans should do more on general principle of being fans. It also didn't help that I felt, like many of them didn't think they had to support me because in their eyes I was giving them free stuff. I held that anger for too long that I had to let it out. Hence why it was a vent, rather than a rant. The thing is, whether it's a sporting event, media or any form of entertainment that got famous due to a collective common interest, people fail to realize it's the fans that ultimately provide the things these performers need to get that fame and fortune. Take sports for example. All those sponsors you see in arenas or endorsed by the likes of say LaBron James. It is true, that they provide them the paychecks, however, said sponsors wouldn't have been able to afford to pay them if people didn't buy their products. Everything from the Gatorade you drink, to the Nikes you wear, doesn't just support their company, it helps them pay their endorsers. But that said, that's just the financial side of things.

The true way to really get forward, to gain enough people to gain said fame and fortune is simple word of mouth. You like a movie? You tell your friends and family about it and they either buy tickets to see it or buy the home video. Same applies to other forms of entertainment. The good thing about that is that it doesn't cost the person spreading said word anything save for time and that time is relatively short. A few seconds to a few minutes, depending on how you like to explain the medium you like. It doesn't even have to be constant, all you'd need to do is just take a few seconds of your time to talk about the mediums you like and where they came from.

I myself have dabbled in it in many ways, because on top of promoting my own work, I wanted to make sure those that don't get noticed often do and those that are already noticed a lot, are kept alive. CIEIR has always been about helping people after all.

The way I do it the most was to create forum topics for both art and music so I could do a mass promo in hopes that others would in turn spread word about the music and art I happen to like:



However I feel that maybe it's not enough. So every now and then, I will do a shout out to a few fans and fellow artists of mine. I will tag their names and reasons why I think their work should be supported.

First and foremost, you get to meet the select few I hold in high regard:


This person has been very supportive of me for a long time. And while he only has a few things on his profile, he makes up for not just in quality, but for being an overall good person.


This kid was the one who gave me my first collab when I was starting out here. And I still believe to this day he created the best remix for my song Creeping March of War.


On top of being a great collaborator, his art is very relatable to me and helped me keep going. It was also his blog shout out where I was mentioned that inspired me to do a promo like this.


This kid never gave up on me and her art is worth encouraging. She is also the one that inspired me to create Light Harmony.

I may have forgotten some, but I'm sure I can find them again. These people among most, I hold in high regard, because they try to help me and I in turn try to find ways to return the favor. These are not just my fans, nor am I just fans of them. They are my friends. That being said, much of the reason why I never mentioned them was because I did not wish them to be harassed, due to their association with me. If anyone, I know goes after these people, you'll have me to deal with. So tread lightly.

Others I know have lost their accounts or left for some reason or another:

DJElectricJes, I don't care what they say to slam you, you're not a pedo. You just made a huge mistake, that you have tried to atone for since. If your girlfriend believes in you, then so do I.

LilAngelaDecibel, you are a talented person, who's only crime was that you are a magnet for drama. But it's not all your fault. People push you in many ways and I hope one day you come back with a fresh start.

KrunoGaming, your games are fun and addicting and it's a damn shame you're gone.

Last but not least is what I call the Flavour of The Post. People I've come across in art, music, games and the like, who have a real great talent and I believe should be encouraged to go further:


On top of having a great style, I think LiteralHat's recent animation is beyond Newgrounds. I think if it was entered into the Academy it would at the very least have a shot at being nominated for Best Original Animated Short. That's right, I think it's Oscar Worthy.


He has great range and takes inspiration for his, but my personal fave is his digital Jazz. Which I reccomend you listen to.


Just recently the Tank Tribune put one of her songs on the phonograph and I believe it's well worthy of that. She has a great style of video game music.


His 432hz style inspired me to better tune my music.

Now if anyone I know feels left out I apologize, but rest assured, you will get your shout out one day.

Now this only took me a few minutes because I was mass promoting. Yet I'd do it again and again if it helps these people get ahead. I'm not a competing artist, the only people I would ever try to step on, would be those I dislike on a personal level and even then it would take more than simple insults to prompt me to do that. I want to give people the chance that I rarely get myself and all I ask in return is for it to no longer be rare. I know if I can get far enough I could succeed in this, but I get nowhere without the people that support me in one way or another. I make my art for me, but I provide you guys the opportunity to look or listen and judge for yourself to see whether or not I am the only one that likes the work. All it takes is word of mouth. Or in this case text Lol.

Stay tuned for more content.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 21st, 2022

Talk about a blast from the past. It all started just recently when a fan of mine whom I've followed as well, because I like their music @psilenth PM'd me. Asking me to check out his Soundcloud account. Which can be seen here. I was originally gonna tell him that I don't have a soundcloud account for him, which would have allowed me to follow him there. So I figured as both a token of good will and a means of expanding, I would create one. So I signed in through Google and found to my amazement and horror that I already got one. Amazement, because I forgot I made it years ago. This was back when I first started out and I didn't post anything there, because the upload limit on the free accounts discouraged me a little. However I was amazed it was still there. My horror was, that it was such a disorganized mess. It had my old crappy avatar which I created before I was given the one you see on my display pic and my old nickname. So I changed it and voila:

CIEIR Music Soundcloud

Until I am in a position to pay for the PRO Version Monthly this account is strictly for promotion only so every now and then I'm gonna pick a few things from what I consider my best work so far.

I already put my Best of 2021 there, but to show my range, I have also put my complete Lovecraft Noir story up there as well.

So far I already have one of my tracks reposted and I have two offers for people to share them to a larger range of listeners. Whether these are legit offers or scams, I don't know. But if it's the latter, then the fact that they are willing to do so, show's my work is good enough to steal. Lol.

I've also had comments on it, both complimenting me and telling me to Go Pro. So there's something.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 21st, 2022

I woke up this afternoon and read that one of my favourite chain stores did something very bad. At a Scarborough Giant Tiger, a long time Indigenous Customer by the name of Hector King Jr. was kicked out of one of their stores for alleged theft. They claimed they had security footage of him doing it, but when he demanded to see the footage they refused. First of all the accused has every right to be shown evidence of the crime they are accused of. So the fact that they refuse to do so, shows there are rats running the place. I don't mean tattletales. Second, this is not the first time they went after natives. They accused the same to another in Regina 2017. So needless to say it doesn't take a detective or even a psychic to know that what these cashiers and security are doing is racial profiling and discrimination.

As someone with Native blood, I am shocked and appalled that they would do something like this especially after the recent scandal Canada went through regarding the residential schools. And to an old man of all people too. So I am boycotting the Giant Tiger Chain and I ask any Canadian readers out there to do the same.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 20th, 2022


Open The Door: Complete Series

Now that I managed to complete my story I decided to post not just a single of part 2, but also an mini-album of the complete series. The singles and the tracks are $1 each or you could get the entire series for $1.50



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 20th, 2022


The Uneasy Path

Fuck me, this one took a lot out of me to make. Like this album aesops, this wasn't an easy path to take, but the right one.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 20th, 2022

Out of all my music. All my skits. This one gets front paged.

I just woke up a few minutes ago. I look on the site and see that my fanfic audio ends up on their featured list. I look and see this:iu_556319_8383057.webp

Holy shit. Don't know who's in charge of that, but THAAAAAAAAAAANK YOOOOOOU!!



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 19th, 2022

After posting my vent:


One of my true fans PM'd me. I won't say their name because last I want is for that person to get harassed. What they said on top of their vow to support me, made me realize something. Up until now, i've been so used to handling things through Paypal, that it didn't occur to me that at least some of you probably don't have a paypal account or said account doesn't get along with banks. So for those that truly wish to help support me financially, I dusted off this old account:


This does not require you to use Paypal to give tips or pay me for a requested product and I have put it on my profile recently. Simple Credit or Debit card would do.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 19th, 2022


An Experiment in Tuning Mk. 2: Chakra Stimulation

The album comes with both seperate tones for each chakra and the full song you listened to on newgrounds. Enjoy.
