Kind of a follow up on this:
Part of what made me discover the secret, was that due to said outside forces, I had to learn to let her go at least for a while. And while it caused me great pain, I was able to make it through. Once I was able to let her go for now, I was also able to let go of a few other issues, including but not limited to the circumstances, regarding my mother's death. After I was able to let things go, after a boat load of crying, I felt something strange yesterday. I felt lighter, I felt like I could loosen up again. I felt happier than I ever been before. It wasn't until then, I was able to find enlightenment.
For those whom are confused. I'm a spiritual person and one of the many things I've been trying to do is unlock my Chakras and heal and balance them. I even went so far as watch an episode of Avatar The Last Airbender to get a crash course on it, because Nickelodeon stuff aside, they did explain it in a way even kids could understand:
Now for context, Aang was able to open all but one. The Crown Chakra. He got confused because a lot of the others encouraged love, but in order to open this one, he must let go of all Earthly attachments, including but not limited to his love interest Katara. So needless to say, Aang did not want to do that. Mainly because he thought letting things go meant gone forever. Something I didn't blame him for. But what his teacher was trying to tell him, is that he wouldn't lose Katara or anything he cared about on said Earth. Letting go is like casting a piece of paper into a river, rivers can go as far as ponds, lakes, oceans, reaching as far around the world as possible, but if what you let go makes it all around the world, it will by it's own choice come back to you, rather than you having to chase it and growing attachments. Let things go and everything falls into place.
Now it sounds easy, but it's not quite. For example for me to let go of the issues regarding my mother's death, I went to my old home, and played this on my phone:
It was a song my mother requested be played at her funeral, but a bitch of a relative of mine who made it all about her chose her favourite songs instead. So out of spite for said bitch and to give my mom a proper send off, I played this. I cried, then I had the resolve to keep going and moving on with my life. Then when I went to visit some good relatives of mine, I started to feel this strange energy. I was happy, more confident with myself and able to live my life more to the fullest. Hell I just woke up from a drunken party and I don't even feel hungover. Because I was able to enjoy it more and the environment was nice enough that I was able to recover and just get on with my stuff.
A lot of people have their own issues, minor and major that equate to Earthly attachments. Grudges, griefs, love that was lost, loss of friends, loss of family members, abuse, you name it. And as bad and horrible as it may get, part of the impact of such negativity is that we have always tried to hold on to it, so we won't forget. However, we hold onto it so much, that rather than it enlighten us, it holds us back.
So I ask, beg or downright demand that you all look deep within yourself. See what you think is holding you back and just let it the fuck go. Just be done with it. Resolve any issues you can, but other than that, fuck everything else.
It's like the old serenity prayer says:
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
You can't change things that don't want to be changed nor things you obviously don't know how to change. All you can do, is try to find a way out of it. Get less involved with the worlds woes unless you plan to join the army or join a humanitarian cause. If you're just gonna sit on your computer or phone to bitch endlessly about it, you'll never be enlightened.
The things you can change can range from righting personal wrongs, making amends and letting go of the baggage that causes you self-doubt. It took me 26 almost 27 years of my 32 soon to be 33 year life, to figure that out. The only reason I'm talking about it now, is to use my experience, so that it doesn't take long for the next person to do it as it really is that simple.
Or as the Narrator from Fight Club would say:
"My Eyes Are Open"
Point being is that, to achieve this state of mind, you must let go of all attachements, even the things you hold so dear in your life good and bad, let them go. It doesn't mean they're gone forever, they might be or they might come back. But when you learn to just let go, you'll become a better person.
Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.